Kabaddi Adda
Auction Data Player's Profile
Surender Nada
Nick Name: Surender
Country: India

66th Senior National Kabaddi Men's Championship HR - - - - - - - - -
Pro Kabaddi Season 6 HS 1 - - - - - - - -
Pro Kabaddi Season 5 HS 21 24 2 2 2 1 3 13 8
Pro Kabaddi Season 4 BB 13 13 3 3 3 1 4 30.77 23.08
Pro Kabaddi Season 3 UM 7 7 - 1 - 1 1 14.29 -
Pro Kabaddi Season 2 UM 14 22 2 1 2 1 3 13.64 9.09
Pro Kabaddi Season 1 UM 15 13 8 - 10 - 10 76.92 61.54
66th Senior National Kabaddi Men's Championship HR - - - - -
Pro Kabaddi Season 6 HS 1 6 3 3 50 50
Pro Kabaddi Season 5 HS 21 110 68 77 70 62
Pro Kabaddi Season 4 BB 13 62 29 33 53.23 46.77
Pro Kabaddi Season 3 UM 7 32 13 13 40.63 40.63
Pro Kabaddi Season 2 UM 14 68 39 41 60.29 57.35
Pro Kabaddi Season 1 UM 15 89 44 48 53.93 49.44
Team HR
M -
Total Raids -
Successful Raids -
Unsuccessful Raids -
Raid Touch Points -
Raid Bonus Points -
Total Raid Points -
Raid SR -
Raid EFF -
Team HS
M 1
Total Raids -
Successful Raids -
Unsuccessful Raids -
Raid Touch Points -
Raid Bonus Points -
Total Raid Points -
Raid SR -
Raid EFF -
Team HS
M 21
Total Raids 24
Successful Raids 2
Unsuccessful Raids 2
Raid Touch Points 2
Raid Bonus Points 1
Total Raid Points 3
Raid SR 13
Raid EFF 8
Team BB
M 13
Total Raids 13
Successful Raids 3
Unsuccessful Raids 3
Raid Touch Points 3
Raid Bonus Points 1
Total Raid Points 4
Raid SR 30.77
Raid EFF 23.08
Team UM
M 7
Total Raids 7
Successful Raids -
Unsuccessful Raids 1
Raid Touch Points -
Raid Bonus Points 1
Total Raid Points 1
Raid SR 14.29
Raid EFF -
Team UM
M 14
Total Raids 22
Successful Raids 2
Unsuccessful Raids 1
Raid Touch Points 2
Raid Bonus Points 1
Total Raid Points 3
Raid SR 13.64
Raid EFF 9.09
Team UM
M 15
Total Raids 13
Successful Raids 8
Unsuccessful Raids -
Raid Touch Points 10
Raid Bonus Points -
Total Raid Points 10
Raid SR 76.92
Raid EFF 61.54
Team HR
Total Tackle -
Successful Tackles -
Total Tackle Points -
Tackle SR -
Tackle EFF -
Team HS
M 1
Total Tackle 6
Successful Tackles 3
Total Tackle Points 3
Tackle SR 50
Tackle EFF 50
Team HS
M 21
Total Tackle 110
Successful Tackles 68
Total Tackle Points 77
Tackle SR 70
Tackle EFF 62
Team BB
M 13
Total Tackle 62
Successful Tackles 29
Total Tackle Points 33
Tackle SR 53.23
Tackle EFF 46.77
Team UM
M 7
Total Tackle 32
Successful Tackles 13
Total Tackle Points 13
Tackle SR 40.63
Tackle EFF 40.63
Team UM
M 14
Total Tackle 68
Successful Tackles 39
Total Tackle Points 41
Tackle SR 60.29
Tackle EFF 57.35
Team UM
M 15
Total Tackle 89
Successful Tackles 44
Total Tackle Points 48
Tackle SR 53.93
Tackle EFF 49.44

Surendar Nada was born on 1st July 1987 in Jhajjar, Haryana. He was brought up in a family practicing circle Kabaddi or, Punjabi Kabaddi, for generations. It was not just Kabaddi that his family had passed on. Surender's father and brother were skilled in the wrestling arena. His father was renowned in the local Kabaddi community for using his wrestling skills in Kabaddi. Surendar was keen on becoming a wrestler and looked up to his brother for guidance. In his school, Nada could defend against much heavier guys in Kabaddi.

Recognizing the talent, his family gave him the full moral support to become a wrestler and sent him to Sonipat.He trained at Subash Stadium, Sonipat, for two months for wrestling and Kabaddi. As he learned about the opportunities in nationals, he chose to play Kabaddi and gradually trained exclusively for it. He started in the Corner position due to his body weight, but his tackling and body balance won many games for his team. Surendar had the strength of his grip to make up for his lack of agility. Surendar acquired a job with the CISF through the Sports Authority of India and represented them for many matches. He made up a name for himself and was chosen to represent the state of Haryana for the nationals. 

Surender Nada PKL Career

His skills as a defender reached the scouts of Pro Kabaddi and, Coach Bhaskaran Edachery of U Mumba reached out to him to join the team. He was one of the highest-scoring defenders within the opening season of PKL, scoring 51 points off 15 matches.

In PKL Season 2, Surendar along with Mohit Chillar secured the raids from their corners and took U-Mumba to victory and became the deadly duo of corners. He scored second most number of tackle points of 41 points in the season, second to only Mohit Chhilar's 42 points. Surendar got the chance to represent India with Mohit for the 2016 South Asian Games, winning the gold medal. After the South Asian Games, Nada had a dull performance in two consecutive seasons of the PKL. He could attain only 13 tackle points from 7 matches in season 6 due to recurring injuries.

In PKL Season 4, Surendar scored 33 points from 13 matches also captaining Bengaluru Bulls. Not so impressive compared to his opening season. In season 5 luck found him again when he was put up for auction. The newly formed Haryana Steelers brought back what once was the bedrock of U-Mumba's defense. Surender and Mohit along with Wazir Singh took the Steelers till the playoffs.

Patna Pirates bought Nada for Rs 77 lakhs of season 6, but as he sustained an injury in their first match of the season, he was out for the rest of the season. Surender's absence took a toll on the team and the team could not succeed in defending the title after winning it for 3 seasons continuously. The three-time champions of the PKL didn't even get to see the Play-Offs.

In terms of tackle points, he remains one of the top 10 defenders in PKL even after a couple of dull seasons. There have been high hopes that Surendar would recover for Season 7, but so far, as per the doctor, he requires further rest for a full recovery. He got ruled out of Season 7 and Monu has replaced him in the Pirates squad.

Surender Nada International Career

Despite his shortcomings, he got a place in the 14 men team of the Indian world cup team. In the 20 minutes bout with Iran in the finals, India came out victorious. He was also part of the title-winning Indian squad for the 2018 Dubai Masters. Fans would be hoping to see their favorite left corner ankle-hold specialist a speedy recovery from his injuries.

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